Sunday, November 20, 2011

Sam the Wandering Wolf [Alpha] got 3.0/5 rating

The game first got 3.09/5, and since it's an alpha, I think it's pretty good, considering my highest rated game is 3.12, if I work really hard on this game, the full version might get 3.5+! Hey, who knows. maybe even get on the front page XD (Unlikely)

Friday, August 26, 2011

New Wolf Game

I'm making this game, your a wolf and... I'm not gonna spoil it, the important thing is, it's kewl.

Monday, August 22, 2011

PRO Fan Art (Red Planet)

I know, it's REALLY good. But I'm an artist by nature you know. Can you See the detail in her? Oh yeah, Better watch out people, Shadow_Craver Be Drawin' Like Picasso.
GameBuilder15 is probably going to use this pic as the picture for his game.
(This is all sarcasm btw :P)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Cool new Sphere effect thing

After failing at making a shooter, I decided to tackle something new. This of course means I will fail again, but that's how we progress. So yeah, Check it out :D Don't mind the Red Squares.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Character

Okay, today, I spent over 3 hours on this thing. I just hope I can get the animations right XD

Saturday, July 23, 2011

A week delay

I'm away from my Desktop (which has Flash in it) And I haven't been able to work on the game but I'll give you some Details. The story is basically about a little boy (Jeff) who woke up in a post-apocalyptic future, in a ghost-like form. He's not dead, he just mutated. Anyway, you set off on a quest to find out what happened and why you woke up in the future. You find clues and discover gradually. :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Demo Video

To start things off, Check out this video I made.

Welcome to my blog

Hi, I'm Shadow_Craver, the creator of the marvin series. Here you will be able to check my progress. Ima start with my newest game. World Of Smerling, it's basically a platformer, like marvin, but with many extra features. you can transform into a ghost, kill enemies ect... I'll get into the details later on :)